Submissions Guidance
The Failure Baler is a zine about failure. If you are wholly successful, then this is not the zine for you, but please do feel free to buy lots of copies, which you can purchase here. Even if you're not all about the failure, you might just want to explore finding a friendly home for your work or want to try submitting somewhere for the first time, which is fine by us too.
Submissions are currently CLOSED. Issue 4 and the Bale of Joy special issue are now available. For a release date and general chatting about the zine, please go to our Twitter feed.
When our submissions are open, you can send us your writing or artwork in line with the following:
We're open minded about the range of work that will feature in the zine, but we may not accept a submission on the grounds of taste, decency or something more nebulous. We won't know until we see it and we hope you are a jolly nice sort.
We can't pay the contributors in this instance, but we will make sure you'll get a copy of the printed zine if your work is included.
If you're not sure if we might be the place to send your work, or you'd just like to chat or share a recipe for a cocktail, email Kate at [email protected]
Submissions are currently CLOSED. Issue 4 and the Bale of Joy special issue are now available. For a release date and general chatting about the zine, please go to our Twitter feed.
When our submissions are open, you can send us your writing or artwork in line with the following:
- For written pieces, please send us your prose (up to a limit of 900 words) or poetry.
- For artwork, we need a high-res pdf of A5 size, portrait orientation, with a 5mm bleed. The zine will be printed in colour, so feel free to submit work in colour or black and white.
- You can submit either original work about your failure or something that's failed to get accepted elsewhere. If you're submitting the latter, some detail about where, when and how your work failed to get picked up would be most welcome.
- Your work can be published under a pseudonym if the successful side of your identity prefers to remain anonymous.
- In submitting, you're confirming that it's all your own work. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
- In submitting you are also signing up to the publication's commitment to inclusivity and equality on the on grounds of age, gender, race, disability, religion or belief, and sexual orientation. We are committed to safe editing for our contributors and our readers. Anyone who has work published with us and is found not to be upholding these values, or who harasses other creators/readers in our community, will have their work removed from our publications. We also pledge to not deny the experience of, or dismiss those who come forward to report such harassment.
We're open minded about the range of work that will feature in the zine, but we may not accept a submission on the grounds of taste, decency or something more nebulous. We won't know until we see it and we hope you are a jolly nice sort.
We can't pay the contributors in this instance, but we will make sure you'll get a copy of the printed zine if your work is included.
If you're not sure if we might be the place to send your work, or you'd just like to chat or share a recipe for a cocktail, email Kate at [email protected]